Sunday, August 7, 2011

HDR Experiment: Number of Frames

During the HDR tutorial, I set the bracketing at 3 frames by 2-stops.  I personally use this setting because my camera will do this automatically.  Other cameras (D300s specifically) will allow 7 frames by 1-stop, and others up to 9 frames by 1-stop.  

There are two different aspects to be tested here.

  • What range (+-EV) is necessary to capture?
  • Is a range of 1-stop better than a range of 2-stops?

This post will focus on the first aspect, what range is necessary to capture.  Throughout this experiment, the frames will be all 2-stops apart.

Friday, August 5, 2011

HDR Tutorial: Shooting

24mm | 1/250s | f/5.6 | ISO100 | 3-image HDR

High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography has become very popular over the past few years.  I am fortunate to have started learning about it from near the beginning, and have become proficient in shooting and processing HDR images.  I am very overdue for writing this tutorial.  This first part will focus on shooting the bracketed images.  The next post will focus on post-processing.